Thursday, January 24, 2013

Whey Powder, Zero Dark Thirty and loft daydreaming

Helloooooo! It's been a few days since I've blogged. I didn't have anything to talk about but now I do.

So I got some post workout powder finally. It's called WheySmooth by performance dotFIT. I've been using it So far so good. I've worked out the last two days and had it after both workouts. I feel like already my energy has been better after the drink. I also noticed I didn't get tired as quickly as I did before. It's kinda cool!! 

I have yet to go back to hot yoga. I did 3 classes on my two week pass. I loved it but I also love a good cardio/weights workout. I prefer a cardio/weights workout. Also, Bikram yoga is very expensive. I will definitely do more of it when I can afford to. 

I saw Zero Dark Thirty last night. You should see it! It was really good and Jessica Chastain was amazing in it. Also Chris Pratt is in it, not for long but hes great!

Now, an architects (Fernanda Marques) beautiful beach house via 

 I love the doors off the bedrooms

I'm looking for a new place to live, mostly because I don't have a car and my place is in the middle of nowhere. I don't even have a corner store I can walk to. Every time I go on craigslist to look for a place I quickly get bored looking at places in my price range so I start to look at places I can't afford.
This always brings me to sites like and

Like this place on E. Cordova St. I don't like the decor but the bones are so cool!

I LOOVVE this place!!! Only $830,000! What a steal! :/ 

Another cool one

Now some pretty lofts via pinterest.

Ahhh, I wish. One day!! Ok, have a good night!!

xoxo- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the Beach House. Can you do one on rugs. I need rugs. Great Blog. Love you Mom.
