Thursday, April 18, 2013

Workout with a friend!

Here's a workout I did with my friend yesterday! My calves are still burning from the cardio circuit.

I found the Jump Rope Circuit and so many other amazing circuits on
I'm so excited I found this website, the workouts are so good and challenging!

Do the partner workouts 3 times. 

Partner squats-
Stand facing your partner, feet about 30cm apart, and hold hands. One of you squats down, keeping your heels on the ground, and lowering until your buttocks almost touch the ground. The non-squatting partner supports the squat by performing a dead lift-type movement. Maintain a straight back by keeping your eyes on your partner and sticking your backside out as you bend forward. Both raise up to the start. Switch roles for every alternate rep.

Do for 1 minute

Straight Arm Plank Hand Slaps - 40 hand slaps

Find a clear piece of floor real estate and line up facing your partner about an arm-and-a-half's length apart. Next, get in a push-up position with your feet shoulder width apart. Lastly, you each are going to reach out and slap each other's hand, Alternating each hand you slap with. If it gets to be too much on your back, putting your knees down is perfectly fine.


Squat-to-shoulder presses - 12-20 reps each

Simply hold your dumbbells at shoulder height (palms facing each other) with your feet shoulder width apart, and squat! As you come up, shoulder press your dumbbells with full extension. Once your arms come back down, repeat! You do one, then your partner does one! And keep them going!

Medicine ball passes

Sit about 1m apart, facing the same direction. Keep your knees bent and heels on the ground. With one of you holding a 5kg medicine ball, both lean back about 30 degrees, keeping your spines long. Turn your torsos towards each other and pass the ball to your partner. Once you receive the ball, twist 180 degrees and almost touch it to the ground on the other side of your torso. Then pass it back to your partner. Keep following this pattern until you can both no longer maintain good technique.

Do for 1 minute

Wheelbarrow leg drops

One partner assumes a push-up position, the other picks up both their partner's legs, bending at the knees and maintaining a straight back. Hold your partner up so that their body is horizontal. Now drop their right leg and your partner will stop it from hitting the ground. Hold the leg again and then drop the other leg. If you want to be mean, don't tell your partner which leg you're going to drop.

Do for 1 minute- These are hard but kinda fun


Swiss ball partner squats

Stand back to back with your partner. One partner places a Swiss ball against the small of their lower back. The other partner places their lower back against the same ball. You both need to lean back with enough pressure to ensure the ball stays in this position. Now, both take two small steps forward (away from each other), while maintaining enough pressure against the ball so that it doesn't fall, and neither does your partner. Keeping your back perpendicular to the ground, perform a squat at the same time. You need to talk to each other as your movements should be simultaneous.

Hold for 1 minute

Again I am sorry for not updating my blog more!!! I am ALMOST done 11/22/63 then I will have a life again! I recommend everyone read it though! 

xoxo- Michelle

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