Monday, July 29, 2013

Jillian Michaels #3

Happy Monday everyone! Here's another Jillian Michael's workout to start off the week!

Start with a 10-15 minute warm up on the treadmill or bike

Workout via

Goblet Squat
Works: Butt and legs
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulders and hold a dumbbell in front of face, fingers clasped. Squat until thighs are parallel to the ground [A].
Lower butt toward the ground [B], then rise up to starting position.

Crescent Kickback
Works: Butt, legs, and triceps
Stand with feet a stride’s length apart, left foot in front of right, and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend left knee 90 degrees, aligning it over ankle, and bend elbows straight back behind you, drawing weights toward your sides with palms facing each other. Extend arms as you rotate palms toward the sky [shown]. Return to starting position. Switch legs on next set.

Warrior-3 Fly
Works: Butt, legs, core, shoulders, and back
Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand at sides. Shift weight to left leg as you raise right leg to hip height behind you, hands under shoulders and palms facing each other [A].
Raise arms out to sides [B], then lower to starting position. Switch legs on next set. (Video: See the move in action here!)
Make it easier: If you can't perform this exercise with proper form, try a less advanced variation like the one demonstrated here.

Long Jump Around
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms at sides, palms facing thighs. Bend knees as you reach arms behind you [A].
Jump up and forward [B] as far as you can. Turn around and jog back to starting position.

Running Man
Stand with feet staggered, left in front of right, knees slightly bent. Bend elbows and raise right arm to shoulder height in front of you as you extend left arm behind you (as if you were running) [shown]. Jump up as you switch arms and legs. Jump back to starting position.

Shoulder Stand Reach
Lie faceup with legs extended on the ground in front of you and arms at sides, palms on the ground. Raise your legs straight up as you lift your back [A].
Lower your back and legs to the ground, sit up, and reach hands toward toes [B].
Reverse motion to return to starting position.

Tornado Crunch
Lie faceup with arms extended out to sides at shoulder level, palms on the ground and legs extended over hips. Lower legs in a circular motion to the right [A], center [B], and left [C].
Repeat in opposite direction. Alternate direction each rep.

Do the circuit 3 times


Have an amazing week everyone!

Xoxo- Michelle

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