Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Stretches to Relieve Hip Pain

Last year I started to run a lot more then I ever have. I started noticing sharp pains in my hip I couldn't seem to stretch away. I was worried maybe I would have to stop running and try a different form of cardio. I usually mix it up with spinning, the elliptical or step climber anyway (which you should do) but in the summer I loved running outside.

There are many stretches and techniques to relieve hip pain.

I am not a doctor I just wanted to share what works for me.

The Foam Roller
I used the foam roller before at the gym only once to roll on my thighs to get rid of pain (recommended by a personal trainer friend) and one day decided to try it on my hip.

How I Use it...

Roll your hip up and down on the foam roller for as long as you feel you need to. It hurts but in my experience it helped my hip pain significantly! 

Another tool to use is a lacrosse ball!

How to use it

1. Sit on the floor, bend your legs, place your left foot on your right knee
2. Place the ball under your left glute and tilt your body a little to the left
3. Roll around slowly until you find a tender trigger point. Stay on it and gently massage it with the ball until the pain subsides.

A good stretch that also helps is...

The Pigeon Stretch
***Stretches the groin, thigh, back and psoas***

1. Bend your front leg at a 90 degree angle
2. Stretch your back leg as far behind your body as you can pointing your toe.
3. Hold this position for at least 60 seconds. 
4. For a deeper stretch bend your upper body down to touch your front leg.

Always, always, ALWAYS Stretch!!!

Xoxo- Michelle

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