Monday, February 18, 2013

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!

Sooooo It's my birthday Feb. 28th. The big 27. I'm not usually one to ask for something specific on my birthday but I really really really want a bike.

I have looked on craigslist and there seems to be a lot of good deals but, of course, I start to day dream. Anthropologie has some really really really cute bikes! Not in my price range at all but one can dream no?


Abici Sveltina Donna Bicycle

Linus Dutchi-1 Bike
I love the green

Pashley Brittania Bike
Baskets are super cute!

Signal Cycles Picnic Bike

Van Heesch Copper Bicycle

Ah now I want it to be summertime!!!

More cute things from Anthropologie's House & Home *Whats New*














Now its time for some Bosu workouts!
It's important to mix up your workout routine! Try these moves out!!

1. Bosu Dynamic Plank

Dynamic is the perfect way to describe this upper-body blast that works your triceps, chest, shoulders, and core. 

To do it: Start in a pushup position, with your hands on a BOSU trainer and your feet hip-width apart (a). Lower your left forearm onto the BOSU (b), then your right, keeping your body in a straight line (c). Push back to the starting position, starting with your left hand. That's one rep; do 10 to 15. Rest for 15 seconds, then repeat, leading with your right arm. Keep alternating for two or three sets. 

2. Bosu V Ups with medicine ball

This goes beyond the basic core workout because the BOSU adds instability to keep your entire core constantly engaged. And because you're squeezing a medicine ball between your legs, your thighs will feel a mega burn. 

To do it: Sit in the center of a BOSU trainer with your legs extended in front of you, knees slightly bent, with a two- to four-pound medicine ball between your thighs. Lean back, placing your hands on the floor behind the BOSU for balance (a). Contract your abs and slowly raise your legs toward the ceiling(b). Hold for one second, then return to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 20 to 25. 

3.  Bosu Four point balance
This challenging move forces your mind to stay completely focused and your muscles to stay constantly engaged. Ntansah's tip for finding balance: Squeeze your glutes during each leg extension and pull your navel toward your spine. 

To do it: Position your hands and knees on a BOSU (a). Slowly extend your left arm out in front of you and raise your right leg behind you, forming a straight line from your fingers to your toes(b). Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, then bring your arm and leg back to the BOSU. That's one rep. Rest for five seconds, then repeat with the other arm and leg. Alternate for 10 reps.

1. One-Legged Bridge
Targets: Core, glutes, hamstrings.

Lie on your back with your right foot on the dome, left leg extended toward the ceiling, and arms along the floor, palms up. Press your right foot into the dome and lift your torso until it’s in line with your right thigh. Hold for two counts, then slowly lower to start. Repeat 15 times, then switch sides.

 2. Mountain Climber
Targets: Core, shoulders, lower body.

Flip the ball over onto its dome. Grip the sides of the platform and come into a plank position. Run in place, quickly bringing each knee to your chest. Continue for one minute.

3. Burpee Jump
Targets: Core, shoulders, lower body.

Flip the ball back on its flat side and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the dome and jump out into a push-up position. (A) Jump back into a squat and stand up. (B) Jump onto and off the dome with both feet. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

4. Push-up
Targets: Core, chest, arms, lower body.
Flip the ball over onto its dome. Grip the sides of the platform or place your hands on top of it and perform a push-up, holding your body in a straight line. Do 10 repetitions.

Another thing to do is stand on the bosu (turn it upside down so your standing on the flat surface) and do your bicep curls, etc. while standing on the bosu. Great for your core strength!

OK, that's all today!

xoxo- Michelle

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