Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Workout

Time for another Monday Workout. Enjoy!!! Feedback would be much appreciated!
 Let me know what you think and if you try it, let me know how it goes.

20 Minute Warmup

10 Mins Treadmill-

Start at 4.0 speed for 2 minutes 

4.5 1 min
5.5 1 min
6.0 1 min
6.5 2 min
7.0 1 min
7.5 1 min
6.0 1 min

10 Mins Bike
Start with a light intensity and every 30 seconds to a minute increase as if your going up a steep hill until the tension is so hard your standing, do this for a minute and work your way back down.

1. Dumbbell Swing

Targets shoulders, back, abs, butt, and hamstrings
·       Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, holding a single dumbbell with both hands in front of thighs.
·       Slightly bend knees as you hinge forward from hips until back is nearly parallel to floor and swing dumbbell behind you between legs.
·       Quickly drive through heels and push hips forward to straighten legs, swinging dumbbell overhead in an upward arc, arms straight. Repeat immediately.
·       Do 20 reps.

2. Inchworm to Grasshopper

Targets shoulders, back, chest, arms, and abs
·       Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then hinge forward at hips, back flat, and place palms on floor.
·       Walk hands forward into full plankposition.
·       Bring left leg diagonally beneath body toward right hip. Return toplank; switch legs, repeat.
·       Alternate sides once more, then walk hands back to meet feet to return to start. Do 10 reps.
·       MAKE IT EASIER: Bend knees slightly on the walk-out.

3. Side Leg Raise

Lie on your left side, rest your head on your left arm, and place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest. Your legs should be straight with your right leg on top of your left leg. Without moving any other part of your body, slowly raise your right leg as high as you can. Pause, then return to the starting position.

4. Move 4: Wide-Stance Arm Swing

(A) Place your feet just wider than shoulder-width apart and point toes to 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock. Grasp a dumbbell (three to five pounds for beginners, 8 to 12 for more advanced) vertically in front of your stomach.

(B) With arms straight, lift the weight to shoulder height as you lower into a squat for two counts. Hold for one count, then slowly lower the weight and return to standing for two counts.

5. Inchworm

For lower back and hamstrings 
Standing with your feet hip-distance apart, slowly bend at the waist, keeping your legs as straight as possible, until your hands touch the floor about 8 to 12 inches from your feet [A]. Walk your hands out to pushup position [B], then walk your feet in toward your hands. Work up to 2 sets of 8 reps.

Your body should form a straight line from your heels to your head.

6. Clock Lunge

Works glutes, hamstrings, quads, and inner and outer thighs 

With your hands on your hips, lunge forward with your right foot, sinking down until your right knee is bent 90 degrees [A]. Return to standing. Take a big step to the right and lunge again [B]. Step back to center. Lunge back with your right leg[C]. That's 1 rep. Do 10, then repeat with your left leg.

Keep your neck in line with your spine throughout the move.

7. Standing Core Stabilization

  Standing with your feet hip-width apart, use both hands to hold a dumbbell straight out in front of your chest, core engaged. Moving your torso slightly, slowly rotate your arms to the left as far as you can. Pause, then rotate to the right. Thats one rep.


Have a great week everyone!!
Xoxo- Michelle

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