Sunday, February 3, 2013

Getting personal, T.V and Electric Owl

Today I ran into someone from my past who was very cruel to me and a lot of other people who were close to me. I hadn't seen her in a few years and I took the opportunity to tell her that I didn't like her and why I didn't like her.

This is not something I had to do, of course, I could have been the bigger person, ignored what happend between us in my past and been friendly but I didn't. I also don't regret it.

 Immediately after noticing her I felt anxious and unhappy and after speaking with her I realized how much happier I am in my life then I was when I knew her. I went to school for film, something I am passionate about. I had some really fun jobs decorating Christmas and Halloween sets for a local news station, I met really great people, I have a new job where I talk to people about decorating their homes all day and work with really fun people. One thing I am most excited about is my plans to travel this year. Overall things are going really well for me.

After our brief conversation I realized she is exactly where she was five years ago, and five years ago she was probably exactly the same person she was five years before that. Some people are just ugly.
I don't ever want to be the same person I was five years before, I also don't ever want to be so ugly. I never want to have people react to me the way I did to her when I saw her today.

Life is way too short, why would anyone want to spend it making people feel bad. I thought about  how I felt after talking to her for awhile and I am actually really happy I saw her. It made me realize how great my life is. It also reminded me not to take life so seriously. So thank you for that, cruel women from my past.

Anyway, Just wanted to share that. On a lighter note I want to tell you about my current t.v show obsessions.

1. Girls

It's a must watch! The characters are insane but you can relate to a lot of the ridiculous situations they get themselves in and all the inappropriate ways they deal with their messed up lives. (If you want to admit that out loud or not).

2. New Girl

It's a lot lighter then Girls but super fun and very funny! Zooey Dechanel is adorable but it's characters like Schmidt and Nick who steal the show.

One more thing to add. I went to  Electric Owl

last night for:

Oh Shit was right! Evo started the night off wonderfully but Ali B was AMAZING! I don't think I've danced that hard in years! I don't go to a lot of DJ shows but I know this one was better then most. I can't comment on Vinyl Ritchie because he didn't show due to having the flu. Anyways, check Ali B out. So much talent!!

Take it easy everyone!!

xoxo- Michelle

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